Research Domain:Organic Semiconductor Synthesis, Self-Assembly, Nanoelectronics |
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Research Interests
Soft materials, organic and polymer synthesis and characterization,
nano- and micropatterning, bio-inspired assembly, and device fabrication
and characterization
Professor Bao received her Ph.D. degree in chemistry from The University of Chicago in 1995 and joined the Materials Research Department of Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies. She became a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff in 2001. She joined the faculty of the Stanford Chemical Engineering Department in 2004. In addition to her more than 80 refereed publications, she has filed close to 50 US patent applications with more than 20 of them awarded. She served as a member of Executive Board of Directors for the Materials Research Society and Executive Committee Member and Program Committee for the Polymer Materials Science and Engineering Divisions of the American Chemical Society. She is on the international advisory board for the journal of Advanced Functional Materials (2001-2005), Chemistry of Materials (2006-now) and Materials Today (2002-now). She is a recipient of the American Chemical Society Team Innovation Award 2001, R&D 100 Award, and R&D Magazine's Editors Choice of the "Best of the Best" new technology for 2001. She has been selected in 2002 by the American Chemical Society Women Chemists Committee as one of the twelve "Outstanding Young Woman Scientist who is expected to make a substantial impact in chemistry during this century." She is also selected by MIT Technology Review magazine in 2003 as one of the top 100 young innovators for this century as well as the Sloan research fellow, 2006. |
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Research Domain:Semiconductor Processing and Surface Reactivity |
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Current Research Projects
The research in our laboratory is focused on understanding and controlling surface and interfacial chemistry and applying this knowledge to a range of problems in semiconductor processing, nanotechnology, photovoltaics, and biomaterials. The role of interfaces becomes increasingly important as system dimensions are scaled downward. For example, most electronic and optoelectronic devices are undergoing rapid scaling, with lengths moving into the nanometer range and the surface to volume ratio becoming very large. The function of many next-generation electronic and nanoscale devices will therefore depend critically on the ability to control and modify the properties of their interfaces.
Much of our research aims to develop a molecular-level understanding in these systems. Our work therefore involves use of a variety of molecular probes. Techniques used in the research include optical spectroscopies such as multiple internal reflection Fourier transform infrared (MIR-FTIR) spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and single-photon ionization (SPI), together with microscopies such as scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
Systems currently under study in the group include organic functionalization of semiconductor surfaces, mechanisms and control of atomic layer deposition, chemical vapor deposition of organic conducting polymers, low k dielectric film integration, and retinal implants and neural prosthesis. More detailed information on the individual research projects in the group can be found at http://bentgroup.stanford.edu/research.html regarding:
* Organic Modification of Semiconductor Surfaces
* Atomic Layer Deposition: Mechanisms of ALD and Area-Selective ALD
* Inorganic and Organic Semiconductor Growth
* Probing Radicals in Materials Processing
* Probing Low-k Dielectrics at a Molecular Level
* Microfabrication for the Development of Retinal Implants
Ph.D. Stanford University, 1992. National Science Foundation CAREER Award, 1995; Beckman Young Investigator, 1997; Research Corporation Cottrell Scholar, 1998; Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar, 1998; Peter Mark Memorial Award, 2000; Coblentz Award, 2001, Fellow of the AVS, 2006, Tau Beta Pi Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, 2006. |
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Research Domain:Bioorganic and Biophysical Chemistry |
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Research interests in this laboratory lie at the interface of protein chemistry and medicine.
For the past several years we have investigated the catalytic mechanisms of modular megasynthases such as polyketide synthases, with the concomitant goal of harnessing their programmable chemistry for the biosynthesis of new, pharmaceutically relevant natural products. Examples of natural products that have been studied in our laboratory include anthraquinones such as R1128 (a selective estrogen receptor antagonist) and macrolides such as erythromycin, rifamycin (both antibacterials), and epothilone (anti-tumor agent). Most of our current efforts focus on obtaining higher resolution insights into polyketide synthase structure and mechanism, and on translating these insights into next generation tools for combinatorial biosynthesis. In particular we are interested in dissecting and manipulating two features of these multifunctional enzymes - the relative influence of protein-substrate interactions and protein-protein interactions on the specificity of each step in the overall catalytic cycle, and the highly controlled incorporation of building blocks in each round of chain extension. At the same time we also continue to develop new technologies for heterologous production of polyketides in E. coli. Finally, given the rich biology associated with polyketides, occasionally we also probe the biological properties of natural and "unnatural" natural products.
More recently, we have undertaken a project aimed at understanding and modulating the chemistry and biology of Celiac Sprue, an HLA-DQ2 associated immune disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. Celiac Sprue is an increasingly diagnosed enteropathy that is induced by dietary exposure to gluten from common food grains such as wheat, rye and barley. Notwithstanding the seriousness of the disorder, little is known about the mechanistic underpinnings of this disease. No therapeutic agents are available to counter the toxic effects of the culprit cereals, and the only treatment for Celiac sprue involves a lifelong adherence to a strict gluten-free diet. Our goals are to understand the biochemical basis of Celiac Sprue, and to translate these insights into pharmacological agents that could allow patients to safely re-incorporate these otherwise nutritious and extremely common food grains into their diet. Specifically we are exploring three therapeutic approaches: (i) peptidase therapy for rapid detoxification of proteolytically stable immunogenic epitopes in gluten; (ii) small molecule inhibitors of tissue transglutaminase, the predominant disease associated auto-antigen that regioselectively unmasks the immunogenicity of gluten peptides; and (iii) small molecule agents that selectively inhibit HLA-DQ2 mediated gluten epitope presentation to T-helper cells.
B.Tech., 1985, Indian Institute of Technology, Ph.D., 1990, California Institute of Technology; Postdoctoral, John Innes Centre, U.K., 1990-91;
Dreyfus New Investigator Award, 1991; NSF Young Investigator Award, 1994-99; Packard Fellowship for Science and Engineering, 1994-99; AIChE Allan P. Colburn Award, 1997; ACS Lilly Award in Biological Chemistry, 1999; NSF Alan T. Waterman Award, 1999; ACS Pure Chemistry Award, 2000; Caltech Distinguished Alumni Award, 2000 |
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Research Domain:Colloid and Interface Science |
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Long JIANG, Colloid and Interface Chemist. Born in Shanghai in 1933, native place is Fujian Province . Research Professor of Institute of Chemistry, Elected as CAS Academician in 2001, Graduated from Chemistry Department of Nanjing University majoring in Colloid Chemistry in 1953, Graduated from Institute of Physical Chemistry in Academy of Sciences of USSR from 1956 to 1960, and got Ph.D. Degree in 1960 in Moscow . His main research area is Colloid and Interface Science. In the early days of his research, he studied the relationship of polymerization rate of silicic acid and pH under the supervise of Academician Dai Anbang and has received the 2nd National Natural Science Award; In 1960 th to 1970 th , he took part in the research and development work on photographic film for remote-sensing reconnaissance; In 1980 th he was dealing with rheology and stabilization of disperse system, such as high loaded coal water slurry as well as surface rheology in enhanced oil recovery and solved a series of difficult tasks ; He developed some useful home made equipment for the surface rheology investigation, proving the closing relationship between the stability of emulsion and the surface viscosity. From 1986, his main interest has focused in Biomimetic films; Biosensor and other molecular organized assemblies, promoted and organized the committee of “organized molecular assemblies” in Chinese Chemical Society. He has been made a lot of contributions in the biomimetic membrane, such as enzymatic membrane, artificial vision-mimetic membrane. Color changeable vesicle biosensor, DNA sensor as well as the nanometer particles preparation and their application in biological system. His work on the detection of E-coli by color changeable vesicle has been published in J. Amer. Chem. Soc. and other famous journals. He is the author/translator/editor of five books and 10 patents as well as 198 scientific papers. He is the international editor of the Russian journal "Colloid Journal" (Eng. Edition) and editor of 4 Chinese journals.
He is a boarding member of Chinese Chemical Society, and has been the Chairman of the Commission of Organized Molecular Films, Chairperson of the Scientific Committee of Lab of Colloid and Interface Science. He has been the Chairman of Asia organized molecular film conference once and Chairman of China-Japan Organized Molecular Film twice. Recipient of 8 awards, including National Natural Science award II grade, Special Award for National Defense Research and some awards from Chinese Academy of Sciences.
He has given the course "Colloid and Interface" in graduate school of Chinese Academy sciences for 10 years, and have got the "Outstanding teacher award" from the education bureau of CAS in 1988. |
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Research Domain:Cement Chemistry |
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Portland cement has many uses but it is best known as the binding constituent of concrete, the most extensively used man-made construction material in the modern world. Although considered largely an engineering material, its setting and subsequent durability properties are controlled by chemistry. Consequently, cement chemistry research, over many years, has lead to a range of technologically significant products and processes. For example:
Cement formulations appropriate for extreme environmental conditions are used routinely in mine stabilisation, oil well cementing, underwater construction, cold weather climates, etc. · Durable concretes can be designed to limit degradation that previously would have arisen due to reinforcement corrosion, alkali aggregate reaction and sulphate attack. · High performance concretes can be formulated to enable the fabrication of high strength support columns for multi storey construction. · Mechanical properties (e.g. tensile strength and toughness) of mortars and concretes can be modified by mix composition. · The physical and chemical properties of cements can now be optimised for the immobilisation of hazardous waste.
The Cements Research Group at Aberdeen University Department of Chemistry have research activity over a broad range of areas. Dr Macphee is currently involved in several areas:
*characterisation of cement systems using ac impedance spectroscopy. This is a rapidly developing area of research with the technique having potential for application as a non-destructive test of the integrity of concrete structures
*toughening of cement systems. Two parallel studies are currently underway.
*the use of glass fibres as reinforcement.
*development of internal residual stresses.
*characterisation of high performance cements. Pore Reduced Cements (PRC) are derived from a process in which immature cement pastes mixed at normal water/cement (w/s) ratios are pressed (to 200 MPa) in a pore fluid squeezer. The resulting compaction and reduction in w/s produces a dense cement product with considerably improved mechanical properties and durability. Scanning electron microscopy coupled with image analysis follows a range of other techniques used in the characterisation of these materials.
*development of clay-based absorbers for the treatment of industrial waste waters.
Research Page:http://www.abdn.ac.uk/chemistry/research/dem/dem.hti |
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Research Domain:Liquid Crystals |
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Liquid crystals are a fascinating state of matter having certain properties characteristic of liquids with others typical of crystals. This duality of properties has important implications for the applications of liquid crystals which range from the familiar electro-optic displays to new types of fabrics whose colour changes depending on the mood of the wearer. Current research focuses on polymeric liquid crystals and, in particular, side chain liquid crystal polymers (SCLCP). The considerable application potential of SCLCPs in advanced electro-optic technologies, including information storage and non-linear optics, stems from the combination of macromolecular properties (mechanical integrity and ease of processibility) with the electro-optic characteristics of low molar mass mesogens. To realise such potential, however, materials having well-defined properties are required. Our research therefore involves: (a) the design and synthesis of novel polymers, (b) their thermal characterisation, and (c) micro- and macrostructural investigations. Other interests include polymer- dispersed liquid crystal displays and the synthesis of model compounds for liquid crystal polymers.
The scope of our studies will be greatly extended by the award of over £750k from SHEFC (Scottish Higher Education Funding Council) to set up SOMC (Scottish Offshore Materials Centre) which is a consortium of chemists, engineers and geologists at Aberdeen to examine the behaviour of real-size components under down-hole conditions (upto 2 kbar and 250° C). Our particular interest here is the Thermal Analysis Service.
The availability of "almost unique" high-pressure, high-temperature (HPHT) facilities will enable us to carry out in situ investigations of a wide range of materials. |
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Research Domain:Materials Chemistry, Surface Chemistry and Catalysis |
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Our main interests are in Materials Chemistry, Surface Chemistry and Catalysis. The theme of the research is the understanding and application of materials and surface chemistry at the molecular level. This involves the synthesis of new materials, the characterization of these, and the development of applications in areas such as adsorption, heterogeneous catalysis, and host:guest chemistry. Examples of materials studied are microporous zeolites and zeolite analogues, new classes of mesoporous silica and carbon materials, nanocrystalline titanium oxides and thin films, and organic: inorganic composites.
Strong emphasis is placed on spectroscopic techniques for the molecular characterization of solids and surfaces. These techniques include FTIR spectroscopy and microscopy, Raman spectroscopy and microscopy, ESR spectroscopy, solid state NMR spectroscopy, and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (involving the use of synchrotron radiation). X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy are used routinely for structural characterization, and surface analysis by techniques such as X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and electron microprobe analysis plays an important role. We are particularly interested in developing environmental applications such as ion exchange of heavy metals, selective adsorption of organic pollutants, photocatalytic oxidation of volatile organic compounds and catalytic conversion of ozone depleting halocarbons to more environmentally benign alternatives .
Some Current Projects:
*Zeolite catalysts for the conversion of Halons and CFCs (collaboration with Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Newcastle, Australia)
*Electron transfer processes in organic molecules occluded in mesoporous solid hosts (collaboration with Prof M Paddon-Row, University of New South Wales, Australia).
*Preparation, properties and photoreactivity of zeolites with semiconducting frameworks.
*Generation of semiconductor arrays in microporous single crystal hosts.
*New mesoporous silicas and carbons as selective adsorbents and catalyst supportsSelected Publications |
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Research Domain:Surface Chemistry and Heterogeneous Catalysis |
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Our research involves the use of multiple characterisation tools to determine the nature of solid surfaces and the processes which occur on these surfaces in the presence of gaseous and liquid- phase reactant molecules. Characteristics of these solids are determined by using a combination of bulk and surface specific techniques including XRD, solid state NMR, surface-area measurement, chemisorption, chemical reaction, X-ray absorption and infrared spectroscopy.
As catalysts' surfaces are dynamic, characterisation is often performed in-situ (with the sample at elevated temperatures/pressures in a flow of the reacting gases). This also allows us to identify species present during reaction, and define their role in the formation of products and thus elucidate reaction pathways.
Reactions of interest include: NOx reduction and pollutant gas control, activation of small hydrocarbons, selective hydrogenation, and asymmetric synthesis.
Solids of interest are (a) mixed oxides, (b) supported metals and bimetallics and (c) supported chiral reagents.
Amorphous mixed oxides are prepared by sol-gel chemistry and studied to determine the relationship between component mixing and the generation of Brønsted-acid sites. The objective is to be able to prepare on a custon basis oxides by controlled mixing and distribution of the components to generate solid acid catalysts which have specific acid strength and thus exhibit high selectivity towards the desired product.
In the case of supported bimetallics, we are concerned with determining how the distribution and mixing of the components influences the catalytic properties (activity, selectivity, and stability) and also in determining how the distribution of components is influenced by reactant/product gases and by regeneration procedures.
The ability to perform chemical reactions and obtain high yields of a single enantiomer is of considerable current interest to the pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals industries. We are currently involved in projects involving asymmetric hydrogenation and hydroformylation reactions with the aim of producing highly enantioselective processes. The procedures involve anchoring chiral complexes to a solid surface in order to induce chirality at the catalyst active site. |
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Natural Photosynthesis;
Artificial Photosynthesis;
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